Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Every cloud has a silver lining.

You know, something that always amazes me is that God is faithful no matter what.  You can be having the crappiest day of your life and He can still bring something along to bring a smile to your face.
A few days ago we got back from a Master’s Commission Conference in Texas. In the beginning of the first service I was feeling very convicted and like I was doing something wrong during worship before the service. So, I began to speak to God saying, “God, what am I doing wrong? This doesn’t feel right. Why do I feel this way? I’m trying to give you everything in my life and grow closer but I’m feeling further away.”  Then I just stood there and all the sudden I became still and I heard God say, “Kimmy, are you really giving me everything?”
See, so easy as Christians we think it’s all easy giving it up to God and giving Him control will be simple. Well, I’m here to be one of the few to say it’s not easy. It’s hard to not give up and say, “Okay God, you did a great job running my life yesterday but uhm yea today I think I can handle. Thanks though.” It’s so easy to go right into being in control of our lives. It’s not about what we want in our lives though it’s about what God has called us to do. That’s something we need to realize as Christians.
God has huge plans for me and I came to realize in that service the other day that the reasons those plans aren’t following through is because of one thing, the fact that I am not willing to give God the full control over my life that He is longing for.
As we went on in the conference I came to realize I had been holding on to a lot of crap from my past that I was being stubborn and holding onto. 
Well as that morning went on and the rest of the day God really challenged me and the question of “Are you giving everything?” literally kept popping up everywhere. Until finally in the night service I was like I can’t hold onto this anymore. I was finally willing to lay down everything even the dumb little things I thought were pointless. After that service I can’t tell you how much peace I felt and am still feeling today.
Then the next morning I woke up feeling a little crappy and a little frustrated but, I put a smile on my face and acted like everything was okay. Well during the service the night before they had an offering and the question again popped into my mind “are you giving everything?” right as I heard it that time I looked down and saw my wallet laying on top my purse and God told me to give all the cash I had left and at first i struggled with it, but when i started to walk down to put the money in God said be ready for a blessing.  
You know what’s funny is when God blesses you sometimes it’s in days, weeks or even months. But, when they come fast it’s really cool to witness. Monday night I gave God all the money left inside my wallet, Tuesday night I ended up winning an Ipad at the conference. To me an Ipad means nothing, because I’m not an Apple person really but as soon as I realized I won I was in shock because all I could hear at the moment of all the excitement was God saying, ”See I told you I’d bless you.” It was probably the greatest blessing ever.
So, if you’re having a crappy day today, look at it this way, a new dawn is coming. Everything we go through that is hard or troubling or where we want to give up. First off remember that if you give God the control of your life like He wants everything is a lot easier than you think.  Also remember out of the crap you face today God is bringing something bigger and better for you tomorrow. Because God has a reason for putting us through everything and He always shows us what we’re made of in those times.

PLEASE NOTE: I’m not by any means saying tomorrow you’re going to go out and God’s going to give you an Ipad. That was not the point of my story AT ALL . Lol. The point is, give everything up to God. It’s so much easier when He’s in control and you’re not.