Saturday, February 15, 2014

Love isn't sex.

Yesterday my fiancĂ© told me I was beautiful and he loved me. I felt like I was on cloud 9. Just to note, I was wearing jeans a shirt and a cardigan. Nothing special or fancy or flashy. 

When walking around the mall later in the day, I walked past so many couples. Young couples and all the girls I saw wore short short dresses/skirts and just let everything out. Leaving nothing to the imagination.  Looking at the girls faces you could see them searching for something. Something they knew they shouldn't be. But, when looking at the boys faces, they were beaming because they knew what they were getting for valentines day just like that. 

What happened to women in society today? Why must women feel like they have to take off there clothes to feel loved? Why do they feel like they have just let it all out just to get attention? 

Pointer, if it's the middle of winter and your skirt/dress is shorter than your jacket, that's a problem. I understand everywhere you look there's always something telling you that you need to change and be better for your man. Show more skin, wear more makeup, wear taller heels. 

Well I'm here to say, God didn't put you on this earth to be someone else's one night stand. He put you on this earth to be sought after and to be loved and cared for by a man who will love you with your clothes on. You are worth so much more than what you think or what he tells you. Sex isn't love. Real love is selfless, kind, caring, it's not jealous or boastful. Love isn't having a guy who uses you one night then ignores you the next and talks to another girl. It's not about being okay with him talking to other girls because you assume he's coming back to you at night. 

As a women I've seen all the tv commercials, magazines, store adds. Everything. But I was taught growing up to value myself, don't give myself away until my wedding night and I hold to that. It's not easy all the time. If I'm honest. After all, I am human. What I'm saying is I don't need to put myself out there to feel loved. You wanna know what I did for valentines day? I sat and watched Star Trek with my valentine. I'm not the biggest fan of this movie but I watched it anyways. But of course after that I made him watch a girly movie like Safe Haven. ;) 

My point if you shouldn't have to feel like this guy your with is the one is only there for one reason. Wait for the guy who loves you and respects you for who you are. Never change. I would love to be able to walk around a mall and see people who don't have the need to dress like its 98 degrees in the middle of a snowy winter day. Life is worth so much more than just giving away your worth. Start valuing yourself again. Your better than what you portray. 

1 comment:

  1. Kimmy, I am just so proud of you and your heart to share with others. Beautifully written. Can't wait to read more.
