Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hey girl heyyyy!

Let me tell you a story about 3 of my best friends ! :)

Oh this lady! I love her so! She has the light of God shining all around her! God really had a plan when He brought Bonnie to GMC this year! She is very special to me in so many ways. I know God has a very special calling on her life and I know she is going to do amazing things with her life. This year she has helped me overcome so many struggles and barriers that I could never overcome on my own and I am truly honored to call her one of my best friends! She is one of the sweetest people I know and I am forever grateful for her in my life. I love her more than words can say. Her friendship is so very precious to me in so many ways. I don't think she will ever understand how much she truly means to me. All our little inside jokes, and our weeks we got to spend together living as little adults. I'll miss her this summer as we go our separate ways. I believe God will have us be friends for a long time though so I'm not worried. I love you so much baby b <3

This girl is one of the strongest people I know. She has been through so much over the past year, yet I still see her standing. She has such a heart after God which is so amazing to me! I think God really has something special He is going to do with her life. She has a very special gift of helping people when they are in need of some help of any kind. She's always willing to lend a hand. She's a sweetheart. I'm glad God brought her in my life here at Gettysburg Master's. I love you Caitlyn <3


This girl is my best friend in the world! She has helped through everything and anything this school year. She is the best ever. God has given her a great ear to listen to me complain all the time. I know she has to get sick of me whining all the time. I know I can be a pain at times, but she still loves me anyways. The craziest things always happen when I'm with her. We are always the ones most likely to get in trouble the most. We are constantly laughing together and it's something I love about our friendship because we are constantly always trying to get each other to laugh or smile. We are so crazy together. I am so glad she is apart of my life. I love you so much best friend <3

I don't know what I'd do without these ladies! They are amazing & I'm glad God brought them into my life. :)


  1. Oh no, I left a comment here but now I'm afraid that it didn't submit. Maybe you just have to approve it. :)

    I said something like.. Those words really mean to much to me! Thanks Kimmy. :) This was just the encouragement I needed today.

    Still just as genuine even retyped.. haha :) And I was encouraged all over again just thinking about it.
